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Writer's pictureClifford Wan

Flu Precautions In-action


鑑於正值流感季節,為了讓學生可以在一個衛生的環境上課,Babington 會即時實施以下衛生措施:

1. 課室桌、椅會定時消毒。 2. 定時替學生消毒雙手,家長也可為學生自備消毒液或消毒用品。 3. 學生需要配戴口罩上課。 4. 上課前替學生量體溫。 5. 學生如有不適,將會致電家長安排接回學生,家長亦可於稍後時間致電中心相約補課事宜。

希望 各家長體諒及明白以上安排並加以配合,讓學生可以在一個舒適及衛生的環境下上課。

此致 各家長


Dear Parents,

In response to the flu season, Babington is taking active measures with immediate effect until further notice to ensure a safe environment for your child.

We will be taking the following precautions:

  1. Before every class, the table will be disinfected with an alcohol solution.

  2. Children will be required to disinfect their hands with a hand sanitiser. Our centre will provide this, however, children are welcomed to bring their own.

  3. Children will be provided with masks and required to wear a mask during class.

  4. Children's temperature will be measured before every class by our staff

  5. Children with a high temperature or children with visible sickness symptoms such as runny noses and coughs will be asked to leave. Parents will be required to arrange make-ups in accordance with our general policy.

Finally, please understand that we take these precautions to protect your child and to create a safe environment for all to enjoy.

Stay warm.

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