How to redeem free class / e-coupon?
You can receive a free class and an e-coupon of $100 by purchasing the Oxford Reading Club app at any road show promotion.
After purchasing the app, you will scan a QR code which will present a form. Once you submit the form, you will be emailed the e-coupon.
How to redeem the free class
To redeem your free class, please complete and submit this enquiry form in the email. Our centre staff will then contact you and you can make arrangements directly with our centre staff. Please inform the staff you have a coupon code.
How to redeem the e-coupon
To redeem your e-coupon, simply tell the centre staff the e-coupon code and our staff will deduct your overal bill with the value of the e-coupon.
Terms and conditions
Here are the terms and conditions relating to the Oxford Reading Club roadshow promotion.
“Babington Education Organisation Limited” (hereinafter called “Babington”, "Babington Education", "we", "us", "our") is a company incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong, having its registered office at Unit 8, 7/F China Shipbuilding Tower, 650 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR.
"Learning centre(s)" or "centre(s)" is a company incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong that is operating under the brand name of Babington Education.
The free class
The free class offered by Babington Education learning centres is only applicable to on-the-day purchases of the Oxford Reading Club app at the roadshow venue. Babington may ask for supporting evidence to qualify the offer.
Choice of location, teacher and schedule is not guaranteed. In other words, the offer of the free class is subject to your chosen centre's available schedule.
The free class is one single class at Babington.
The free class may not be exchanged into another class.
The free class may not be refunded in cash.
With the exception of the centre cancelling the class, no make-class is offered for a cancelled class under any circumstances. This includes cancellation due to severe weather.
The coupon
The coupon can be redeemed for purchase of Pandora's Book Club course only at any Babington Education learning centres.
The ability to redeem the coupon is subject to you being able to enrol on the Pandora's Book Club course which in turn is subject to the centre's availability. Choice of location, teacher and schedule is not guaranteed.
The coupon is sent to the customer via email only. No paper coupons are offered.
The coupon has a validity period of 1 month. Thereafter the coupon will become invalid.
The coupon validity period may not be extended.
The coupon may not be refunded or exchanged into cash or credit at Babington.
General terms
Babington reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without notice and reserves the right to the final say in case of any disputes.
Enrollment onto any course at Babington is conditional upon the acceptance of our Policies.