Dear parents,
Our Park Yoho centre will suspend operation on the 22nd May 2022. Babington Head Office staff will contact parents of existing students at Park Yoho for transferring to nearby Babington centres.
For affected students, please contact us via WhatsApp so that we can fully support you.
Babington Education 總公司,就這兩天收到有家長向就近或跨區分校詢問,有關 元朗 Park Yoho 分校的結業通知,總公司現正藉此通告交代有關事項。
基於該分校未能就新租約與業主達成共識,總公司決定於 2022 年 5 月 21 日 當日所有課堂完結後,終止元朗 Park Yoho 分校的營運權。
Babington Education 總公司