Version 3 / 2021-06-04
This page explains the policy/rules regarding how Babington dismisses children from class. Depending on each centre's facilities, there are 2 procedures we adopt to dismiss children. For the safety of children, it is critical that parents understand these procedures. Please check with your centre if you are unsure which procedure applies to your child. The 'Student Dismissal General Policy' applies to every centre.
In this webpage, you will find:
Student Dismissal General Policy - this applies to all Babington centres
Procedure 1*
Procedure 2*
* Please check with your centre to see which one applies to your child.
The Student Dismissal Policy
The following applies to all Babington centres.
Registered Authorised Person(s) (RAP)
RAPs have ultimate control of their child, including programme terminations, arranging refunds and changing who has the authority to collect their child from the centre.
Only RAPs can collect children without the child collection pass (QR Code). RAPs collecting children without QR codes will be required to complete a form and present their HKID for verification and copy.
To become a RAP, you must register your full HKID on our record. Part HKIDs will not be accepted.
The child collection pass (the QR code)
You will be given a child collection pass with a QR code on it. The QR code is the key to collecting/releasing your child.
The QR code holder is authorised to collect/release your child. This means anyone who possesses a valid child collection pass or the QR code in ANY format shall be authorised to collect/release your child.
We will not check/verify the holder’s identity. If the QR code scans successfully, then our staff will be authorised to allow the collection/release of your child.
Period of Responsibility
Babington is only responsible for your child during the class times specified on your receipt.
This means Babington accepts no responsibilities or liabilities for your child in any way prior to the class start time on your receipt and after the class end time on your receipt.
You need to ensure someone is waiting to collect your child 10 minutes before the end of class. This person must be waiting directly outside the centre.
Collecting student's without the child collection pass or the QR code
Babington will not release the student without the QR code.
Babington will contact the RAP for approval.
Example: If the father attempts to collect the child, but the father is not a RAP, Babington will not release the child to the father without the approval of the RAP.
You can check with your centre to see who is/are the RAP for your child.
Once approved, the person collecting the child without the QR code will need to complete a form and submit their HKID for verification and copy otherwise, Babington will not release the student.
The procedure for releasing students
Each centre follows either procedure 1 or 2.
Please enquire at the centre to find the applicable procedure for the centre.
See below for details on each procedure.
Change of terms & conditions
Babington reserves the right to change the terms and conditions without notice.
The latest terms and conditions will always be the one on the company website.
In any disputes, Babington reserves the right to the final say.
Procedure 1: Collecting your child
Please check with your centre to see if you will follow procedure 1 or 2. Here is procedure 1:
The concept: The QR code on the child collection pass is the key to collect your child.
The Procedure:
At the end of each class, we will dismiss children one at a time.
When collecting children, you will queue up to scan your QR code.
Upon successful scanning, we will immediately release the QR code associated child to you. We will not check/verify the QR card holder's identify
If your QR code scan is unsuccessful or you forgot your QR code, see the FAQ.
Procedure 2: Releasing your child to the public
Please check with your centre to see if you will follow procedure 1 or 2. Here is procedure 2:
The concept: The scanning of the QR code immediately authorises Babington to
automatically release your child from Babington's premises into the public without supervision at the end of class.
The Procedure:
10 minutes prior to class, parents should scan their QR code. Once you scan your QR code, this means you authorise your child to be released to the public unsupervised from the current class only. You will need to do this for every class.
After scanning your QR code, you are requested to remain immediately outside the centre until you have successfully collected your child.
As soon as the class ends, Babington will release all QR code scanned children to the public.
Babington will not individually hand back each child to each QR code holder. The QR code holder is solely responsible for being present and is responsible for collecting their child.
If your QR code scan is unsuccessful or you forgot your QR code, see clause 5 of the student dismissal general policy above.
If no one scans the QR code associated with your child, then your child will remain at our premises under direct adult supervision.
What if I lose or if I want to change my QR code?
In the event that you lose or wish to change the QR code, the RAP must contact our centre immediately.
Babington will suspend your QR code immediately upon the RAP's request.
The RAP will need to complete, sign and return the ‘New Pass Request Form’ via email or by hand.
There will be a $100 admin charge to your account.
Babington will reissue a new card with a new QR code and will issue this to the RAP only.
What if I forget the QR code or the scan is unsuccessful?
Babington will not release the student without the QR code.
Babington will contact the RAP for approval.
Example: If the father attempts to collect the child, but the father is not a RAP, Babington will not release the child to the father without the approval of the RAP.
You can check with your centre to see who is/are the RAP for your child.
Once approved, the person collecting the child without the QR code will need to complete a form and submit their HKID for verification and copy.